Licealista z Katowic i 3 uczniów warszawskich liceów zwyciężyło w konkursie Droga na Harvard, skierowanym do osób, które chciałyby studiować na prestiżowych amerykańskich uczelniach. Laureaci na przełomie września i października polecą na tydzień do Bostonu.
TOKYO, June 15 Kyodo
Skymark Airlines Inc. said Friday it has replaced an in-flight seat pocket document which had advising passengers to direct complaints to public consumer affairs centers.
Skymark placed a reworded version in seat pockets Friday following protests from the consumer affairs center in Tokyo and a request from the government to revise the document that stated the airline did not accept complaints during flights. In the revision, the airline eliminated the center name and listed only the airline\\'s own customer center as a place to file complaints.
But the revised document retains other statements that have sparked controversy, such as \"We do not oblige our cabin attendants to use polite words\" in dealing with passengers and \"The service to customers comes second\" to maintaining security and safety.
The one-page document now says the airline \"cannot accept complaints that could affect flight operation,\" instead of the previous version that said it \"will not accept any complaints\" during flights.
Skymark also changed the wording regarding carry-on luggage to \"We request our customers to store luggage on their own.\" It previously said, \"We do not assist storing luggage\" into the overhead bin.
2012-06-15 19:53:09JST
Fundacja PAP zezwala na bezpłatny przedruk artykułów z Serwisu Nauka w Polsce pod warunkiem mailowego poinformowania nas raz w miesiącu o fakcie korzystania z serwisu oraz podania źródła artykułu. W portalach i serwisach internetowych prosimy o zamieszczenie podlinkowanego adresu: Źródło:, a w czasopismach adnotacji: Źródło: Serwis Nauka w Polsce - Powyższe zezwolenie nie dotyczy: informacji z kategorii "Świat" oraz wszelkich fotografii i materiałów wideo.