Credit: Fotolia

Survey finds majority believes in global warming

According to a new survey, 86 percent of Poles believe in global warming, 76 percent are concerned about its consequences and 59 percent say that the country should stop producing coal energy.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Most believe that COVID-19 vaccinations should be voluntary, says new CBOS report in Poland

    A new survey in Poland has found that over half of respondents think vaccination against COVID-19 should be completely voluntary (54 percent).

  • Credit: Fotolia

    Gender, personality and well-being linked to addiction, says new study

    Gender, personality and level of well-being are factors that are significantly associated with the coexistence of behavioural addictions such as learning, computer games or using Facebook, according to research by psychologists from the University of Silesia and the University of Gdańsk.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Now we’re talking! New telephone app studies language development of children

    A mobile app that resembles an online speech diary for observing early language development in children has been developed by scientists from the University of Warsaw.

  • Spring in a city park, AdobeStock

    Tree-mendous! City trees are green capital and make residents richer, says Warsaw economist

    The value of city trees and the benefits they bring to the public could be as much as PLN 1.8 million says a leading economist from the University of Warsaw, Dr. Zbigniew Szkop.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Millennials to live in cohousing communities in their old age, says urban planner

    Millennials in their old age will choose to live in cohousing communities in which shared space plays a major role, says a leading architect and urban planner.

  • Credit: Anna Bielawiec-Osińska/

    Brain researcher tells Science in Poland ‘many mental problems result from the lack of understanding about how the mind works’

    An award-winning researcher into the human mind says we still have much to learn about how the brain works, and that many psychiatric problems that we see in society are associated with this lack of understanding.

  • Credit: Fotolia

    As many as 13 percent of Polish parents regret having children, says new study

    Up to 13 percent of Polish parents regret their decision to have a child, according to new research.

  • Warsaw, 30.04.2017. Miasteczko Wilanów. (awol) PAP/Jerzy Ochoński

    Cities need more greenery to protect them from heat and drought, warn scientists

    Less greenery and ‘widespread concrete domination’ in cities could prove ‘disastrous’, scientists have warned.

  • Natalia Banasik-Jemielniak, credit: Dariusz Jemielniak

    Poles use irony because of their history, says head of new Language&Humour university course

    How and why Poles use irony has a lot to do with history, Dr. Natalia Banasik-Jemielniak head of the new Language&Humour Lab at Warsaw’s Maria Grzegorzewska University tells Science in Poland.

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  • Gorce Mountains at sunrise, credit: Piotr Szpakowski, Adobe Stock

    Scientists develop tool for precise identification of valuable forests

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  • Warsaw astronomers discover Milky Way's longest-period classical Cepheid

  • New 245-million-year-old reptile with very long neck discovered

  • Warsaw researchers develop technology for early detection of neurodegenerative diseases


Boulder TM 1219 in a wider landscape perspective. Credit: A. Rozwadowski, source: Cambridge Archaeological Journal.

Polish scientists reinterpret petroglyphs of Toro Muerto

The geometric patterns, lines and zigzags that accompany the images of dancers (danzantes) carved in the rocks of the Peruvian Toro Muerto are not snakes or lightning bolts, but a record of songs - suggest Polish scientists who analyse rock art from 2,000 years ago.