Credit: Coolerheat/Łukasz Witanowski

Scientists want to produce cooling from heat

Dr. Łukasz Witanowski from the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk proposes to use waste heat to produce cooling. The scientist is working on a system that will, for example, enable heating networks to generate cooling for air conditioning systems in the summer.

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  • Credit: Adobe Stock

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  • Credit: Adobe Stock

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  • Moose. Credit: Patryk Sacharewicz

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Credit: Coolerheat/Łukasz Witanowski

Scientists want to produce cooling from heat

Dr. Łukasz Witanowski from the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk proposes to use waste heat to produce cooling. The scientist is working on a system that will, for example, enable heating networks to generate cooling for air conditioning systems in the summer.