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Poland's first liver transplantation with artificial extracorporeal normothermic perfusion

Specialists from the Medical University of Warsaw performed Poland's first liver transplantation using an extracorporeal perfusion device in normothermic conditions. This is a revolution in transplantology, specialists emphasise in the Medical University of Warsaw press release sent to PAP.

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    Scientists from Kraków to check if voice can be a biomarker of cardiac disease

    Scientists from Kraków will look for voice patterns that would indicate cardiac disease. The research will be carried out on a sample of 100 patients of the Upper-Silesian Medical Centre in Katowice. In the future, a voice application could be created to help diagnose the disease.

  • Container for irradiation of materials placed in the MARIA reactor core. Credit: National Centre for Nuclear Research

    3D printing to help produce valuable radiopharmaceuticals

    Thin uranium targets play a key role in the production process of molybdenum-99, a valuable radiopharmaceutical. The European patent recently granted to scientists from the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Świerk can optimise this production thanks to targets made using 3D printing.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish scientists co-develop method to fight resistant bacteria

    A team from the University of Gdańsk and specialists from China have developed a novel approach to fighting multidrug-resistant bacteria.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Experts: Therapeutic cancer vaccines still not effective ernough, research continues

    Therapeutic cancer vaccines have not yet met expectations in terms of their effectiveness, but research on them is still ongoing, experts say. Currently, research on cancer vaccines is conducted also in Poland.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish idea for preventing the development of epilepsy after brain injury or stroke

    Polish scientists know how to pharmacologically stop the development of post-traumatic and post-stroke epilepsy. They propose to use a cancer drug that has already been tested in clinical trials.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Professor Krzysztof Palczewski: Nearly all blinding diseases can be cured in 10 years or soon after

    Professor Krzysztof Palczewski and team are working on therapies for people with diseases that lead to loss of eyesight. At this point, gene editing techniques allow to repair genetic mutations in living cells, including the eye. 'We need 5-7 years before human trials could begin', he says.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish scientists patent method of detecting genetic predisposition to aggressive breast cancer

    Scientists in Poznań have developed a new method for detecting genetic predisposition to aggressive breast cancer.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Polish researcher co-develops innovative salmonella vaccine

    Scientists at the University of Florida have developed and pre-clinically tested an innovative method of vaccination against nontyphoidal salmonella using small extracellular vesicles.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Kombucha can be source of fluoride in diet but be careful, says expert

    Kombucha - a fermented beverage based on tea - can be one of the sources of fluoride in the diet. For this reason, you have to be very careful about how much of it you drink. Excessive consumption can have serious consequences.

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Boulder TM 1219 in a wider landscape perspective. Credit: A. Rozwadowski, source: Cambridge Archaeological Journal.

Polish scientists reinterpret petroglyphs of Toro Muerto

The geometric patterns, lines and zigzags that accompany the images of dancers (danzantes) carved in the rocks of the Peruvian Toro Muerto are not snakes or lightning bolts, but a record of songs - suggest Polish scientists who analyse rock art from 2,000 years ago.