
Credit: Adobe Stock

Warsaw University of Technology students are working on new satellite; launched planned in 2025

Students at the Warsaw University of Technology are working on the third nanosatellite PW-Sat3, whose task will be to test the proprietary drive that enables efficient deorbitation and manoeuvres in orbit. The launch is planned for autumn 2025. The work was delayed due to the pandemic and lack of stable financing.

  • Photo from Stanisław Wrona's archive

    In search of silence... among devices

    Noise generated by various devices can be reduced thanks to shields that eliminate sound waves. The problem occurs when devices emit heat, which is why the housing should have vents. Dr. Stanisław Wrona from the Silesian University of Technology is looking for a solution to this problem.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Survey: 68 percent students will use artificial intelligence while studying

    As many as 68 percent of students will use tools using artificial intelligence while studying, according to new research. Possible applications of AI include: language translations, work organization, creating presentations and writing papers.

  • Kalman - the AGH Space Systems team's winning rover. Credit: European Rover Challenge

    Kraków students win European Rover Challenge

    The AGH Space System team from Kraków won the 9th edition of the Mars rover competition European Rover Challenge, which ended last week in Kielce. The next two places on the podium went to Swiss teams.

  • Source: University of Warsaw. Students in the laboratory present the rotation of Schrödinger's cats (credit: S. Kurzyna and B. Niewelt)

    Warsaw students turn Schrödinger's cat upside down

    Students at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw and researchers from the QOT Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies have developed an innovative method that allows the fractional Fourier Transform of optical pulses to be performed using quantum memory.

  • Credit: Warsaw University of Technology

    Researcher creates anti-slouching glasses

    A student of the Faculty of Physics at the Warsaw University of Technology has developed an add-on for glasses, which signals that the person working at the desk has changed their position into an incorrect one.

  • Credit: PWr

    Wrocław students wins international competition for futuristic housing estate design

    Students from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology won the main prize in an international competition for housing estates of the future.

  • Photo from press release

    Warsaw students runners up in international architectural competition

    Karolina Rorat and Ewa Maniak, students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, took second place in the international competition 'Portugal Olive Guest House' and won the Buildner Student Award. The jury appreciated their project of an olive guesthouse in Portugal.

  • Photo from press release

    Lodz University of Technology students build award-winning wind turbine

    An innovative wind turbine developed by students from Lodz University of Technology in the GUST project has won first place in the International Small Wind Turbine Contest with the best result in the highest annual energy production (AEP) category.

  • Credit:

    Poznań University of Technology team wins Spaceport America Cup

    The RocketLab team from the Poznań University of Technology took first place in one of the categories in the international rocket engineering competition Spaceport America Cup in the United States.

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  • Credit: K. Braulińska

    Archaeologists find letters from Roman centurions

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Credit: K. Braulińska

Archaeologists find letters from Roman centurions

Polish archaeologists investigating an ancient port have found papyri containing letters from Roman centurions stationed in Egypt. These unique documents were discovered together with items including ceramics from Italy, Roman coins and a specific coat pin in a place that could have been the remains of the centurion's office.